1)Dates in English for easy understanding of Readers not accustomed to Sanskrit
2)Comes in Multicolor format
3)On the front it contains informations like date, Months, Tithis, Vratparvs and Moolpanchanks
4) On the backside of every page it contains some infromations from panchang and the Details of Yatra from all the four Directions with its muhurat, Aakashiya, Lakshan, Ghanta Chakra, Bhavishya Phal, Shubh and Ashubh Dates etc.
5) Information about Bhadra, Mool and Panchak in detail alongwith Sankranti Timings and Snaan Timings
Size- 15x20 inches
Pages- 12
सुपर हिंदी पञ्चाङ्ग